eSports Tournament

SC EdTech 2024 is excited to host a Rocket League eSports Tournament during the conference!

What: In Rocket League, players must hit the ball with their cars into the opponent’s net and at the same time, prevent the opponent from hitting the ball into theirs. For more information on Rocket League, click here.

Who: Eight (8) teams of three (3) players (grades 9-12 only) each will be accepted into the tournament. Any additional registered teams will be placed on a waitlist. Register here - eSports at Edtech Registration.

When: Thursday, November 14, 2024

Where: Ballroom E at SC EdTech 2024, Myrtle Beach Convention Center

Tournament Prizes: $50 gift card for each first place winner, $25 gift card for each second place winner

Thanks to our eSports Tournament Sponsors
  • Dell
  • Howard
  • United Data Technologies

Rocket League eSports Tournament Rules & Regulations
  • Each player/guardian must fill out the Student eSports Consent Form and return it to the Team Coordinator/Coach. The Coach will be responsible for turning those forms into by October 13 in order to be eligible to play. If the forms are not returned, the team will forfeit their place in the tournament and the next team on the waiting list will be notified. 
  • Students must be accompanied by an adult chaperone at all times.
  • No profanity is allowed. Players should observe the general principles of personal integrity, honesty, good sportsmanship, and sound health and safety.
  • Student agrees to follow all Rocket League regulations during game time.
  • All Teams must have three (3) Players physically present during competition and in the online Match lobby by the designated Match start time.
  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes before scheduled game time in case a game ends early. Start time for 1st Pool games and 1st Bracket games will start at designated times on the schedule.
  • PC controllers will not be provided. Please have the student bring their controller if he/she prefers playing with a controller